Friday, October 30, 2015


From HERE:

Strategic Engineered Migration as Weapon of War

After reading the title, you may think it is describing the phenomenon that Europe has recently been facing: the hundreds of thousands of refugees, both victims of the hardships of civil wars and opportunists, who are invading the Balkans by land and by sea and then making their way further, trying to reach richer countries like Germany, France and Scandinavia by any means possible.

It would seem that this stream of refugees has objective reasons: armed conflicts and wars have been going on in Libya, Syria and Iraq for many years, while the situation is also turbulent in Palestine and Afghanistan. In Tunisia and Egypt, meanwhile, both of which experienced the Arab Spring, the situation also leaves much to be desired. Hardly anybody is taking notice of Bahrain, where opposition protests have been brutally suppressed for years, while in Yemen, air strikes are even being carried out on wedding processions. The location of these two states is not very convenient, however – there is simply nowhere to flee. There is also another important detail: camps are being built for Muslim refugees in Saudi Arabia, but nobody is going there for some reason. As a last resort, they stay in Jordan and Turkey.

Is there also some general reason for their frantic desire to flee so far from their homeland? Wealthy relatives who have already settled in the European Union, perhaps? Or stories about welfare benefits on which they will be able to live comfortably? After all, to make such a journey they have to pay handsomely for the services of smugglers. According to some reports, these smugglers take between $4,000 and $10,000 to transport a single refugee from Syria or Libya to Europe. Even if this person has wealthy relatives abroad, receiving money via bank transfer is impossible in war-torn Syria. Organising transportation on credit clearly involves certain guarantees, especially considering that the boats often sink in the Mediterranean.

Who is providing guarantees that encourage hundreds of thousands of people to rush from other continents to Europe and why?

Researchers have discovered a very interesting fact related to the use of social networking sites. It has come to light that calls on Twitter for refugees to travel to Germany have mostly come from the US. The time spent practising in other countries has not been in vain – from Iran during the 2009 presidential elections to Egypt and Tunisia, where the role played by social networking sites in mobilising the population was considerable.

What we are seeing now is the practical implementation of theoretical calculations of a strategic nature. Such strategies have been under development for a long time. One of them is a study by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University that bears the name “Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War“, which the author also uses for the title of this article. The study was first published in 2008 in the Civil Wars journal. Using a combination of statistical data and case study analysis, the author of the work, Kelly Greenhill, provides answers to the following questions: can refugees be a specific type of weapon, can this weapon only be used in wartime or in peacetime as well, and just how successful can its exploitation be? On the whole, Greenhill answers these questions in the affirmative.

In fact, researchers at the Belfer Center, along with researchers from other departments at Harvard University, have been working on designing strategies for conflict management in the context of broader foreign policy issues for many years. The director of the Belfer Center, Graham Allison, was an assistant secretary of defence in the Clinton administration. As well as this, the Center also funds the research of a special task force devoted to Russia.

The US is only pretending to sympathise with Europe, which is being hit hard by the migratory wave. In a recent article by Richard Haass, president of the influential globalist organisation Council on Foreign Relations that deals with European issues, the use of the word “managing” with regard to the migration crisis in the European Union was no accident. Savouring the problems being faced by Europe as a result of the influx of refugees, Haass notes that the US has both an obligation to help the European Union and strategic interests with regard to Germany and Europe as a whole. Despite this “obligation to help”, however, there has been no help at all from the US either in controlling the illegal infiltration of European countries or in terms of the temporary settlement of refugees.

There is also another interesting fact. On 15 September, Barack Obama signed an executive order on the use of behavioural science techniques in public administration. The most recent branch of behaviourism, known as “Nudge”, is nothing more than the latest way to manipulate people. The hand of Cass Sunstein, who previously worked at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration, can clearly be seen here. Along with a British colleague, he co-authored the book Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth and Happiness, in which psychological manipulation techniques in the context of everyday life are hidden behind fine words. (Incidentally, Sunstein’s wife is Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the UN.) There is no doubt that the ‘nudge’ technique will be used far beyond the borders of the US.

The most effective weapon, however, both metaphorically and literally, may be those migrants capable of setting up a small guerrilla group to carry out subversive terrorist acts on the new territory. It is rather interesting that the US is not just playing host to the ones who seem the most ‘promising’ for this, but is also granting them refugee and resident status as well as the official protection of the US government.

As far as one can judge from a recently leaked internal document, a special report to US Congress for the 2014 financial year on the issue of migration prepared by the US Department of Homeland Security states that in 2014, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services applied 1,519 exemptions to individual applicants granted refugee status, resident status, and the official protection of the US government. And the most interesting thing is that in one way or another, all of these people have links with terrorist groups and extensive experience of subversive activities.

The list includes old allies of Washington from among Cuban exiles, Kosovo Liberation Army militants who for some reason cannot live well in their own artificially created state, and many other covert and overt allies of the US. There are members of the Nationalist Republican Alliance from Salvador, most likely those who shot political opponents during the Cold War and are now hiding from justice. There are fighters from the Democratic Movement for the Liberation of Eritrean Kunama – ethno-separatists who are opposed to the Eritrean government. There is the Tigray People’s Liberation Front from Ethiopia and the Oromo Liberation Front from the same country.

The list also includes activists from the Burmese Chin National Front and its military wing, the Chin National Army, which are members of the so-called Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO). Members of the Karen National Union, including militants of the Karen National Liberation Army (an ethnic group living in Burma and Thailand) also received a quota to live in the US on the spot.

Refugee status was given to 49 former Iraqi citizens from the Iraqi Democratic Party, the Kurdish Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. The list of “1,519 exemptions” also includes members of other organisations that have devoted many years to armed conflicts.

One can only speculate on the kind of future wars the US has in mind if it is planning to use such specific migrants as a weapon.

Source: Leonid Savin, Strategic Culture Foundation, 26 October 2015 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Dear Martians

This is by Gavin McInnes, over at Taki’s Magazine – as Fat Tony sez: “It Is Funny, Because It Is True!”

Last week, NASA confirmed that there is water on Mars. This could be some kind of cross-promotional hullabaloo for the movie The Martian, which came out this week, or it could mean there’s life on Mars. If it’s the latter, it behooves us to provide a welcome letter for Martians to get acquainted with our planet.


Welcome to America. We are members of a cultural group called “The West” and it’s generally understood the West is the best. America is known as the best of the best. We’re the ones who sent you the signal and it’s likely we’re the ones you’d most like to deal with from here on out. We’ve been sending out signals for a long time so we’re going to assume you’re at least partly familiar with our culture up until the end of the 20th century. There have been some drastic changes since then, however, and we will try to make them clear.

Virtually every industry of note in this country is still run by white males. These are the guys who sent you the message, for example. However, this group has fallen out of favor recently and is now called the patriarchy (the messages we sent you are now considered sexist and we’ve hired a woman to make sure we don’t mess up your planet). The guys who made us the best of the best are now considered the worst, and to facilitate this message, a massive information campaign has arisen that derides truth, logic, science, and math. In today’s America, up is down and right is wrong.

“Muslim kids wear NASA shirts now because NASA is no longer about the guys who sent you the signal. It’s about Muslim pride. I know, it’s weird.”

Three of the most revered women in the country right now, Caitlyn Jenner, Laverne Cox, and Janet Mock, are men. Gender is no longer a thing. We reward anyone who promotes this idea with, well, awards. Any show or movie that even alludes to transanything is showered with presents and all you have to do to win any competition is grow a beard and put on a dress. Ivy League schools have replaced the pronouns “he” and “she” with “ze,” “hir,” and “hirs” because “they literally don’t have any information” (oh, and “literally” doesn’t mean “literally” anymore—it means “not literally”). When doctors try to provide information and point out that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, they are seen as boring old fuddy-duddies. To quote a man who cut off his penis and balls, “It’s mostly the medical community who sees the sexes as male or female.” It’s now reasonable for little boys to take female hormones. They also may take hormone blockers that postpone puberty so their sex change will go smoother even though the suicide rate for post-op transsexuals is still very bad. The definition of child abuse keeps changing and if you’re not down with pedophiles, you’re a “monster.” Refusing to vaccinate your child is not child abuse and third-trimester abortions are nothing compared with a doctor who shot a lion.

When physicians spew hate facts such as it’s much harder to have a baby after 35 and nearly impossible after 40, they’re accused of sexism. About half a million Americans die of obesity every year but to be fat is to be healthy and to be fit is to starve yourself. To notice someone is fat is to hate women. If we want to know how men and women should properly interact, we ask a woman who is twice divorced by 30 and claims to be an “aspiring vegetarian.”

Race is also over. A prominent member of the NAACP was a white woman who put brown cream on her face and curled her hair. She’s transracial so she can do blackface but it’s still very much verboten in any other context. A prominent member of the Black Lives Matter movement is a white man who defines himself as black but refuses to wear any coloring cream. Oh, sorry,
#BlackLivesMatter is a movement founded on the assumption that a guy had his hands up who didn’t, a man was choked to death who wasn’t, and a kid wasn’t attacking a man when he was. It’s funded by a Jewish billionaire whose agenda seems to be nothing more than wreaking havoc. Though gun violence is almost exclusively a black thing, it is portrayed as a white thing. If there’s a mass shooting, the shooter is a white supremacist until he’s black and then he’s a gun nut. Inanimate objects are now blamed for violence.

Though race is a social construct, it’s difficult to find something that isn’t racist. Neighborhoods are racist. The president is trying to force affluent white communities such as Connecticut to take in lots of poor blacks from the projects even though that area houses many middle-class blacks who moved there to get away from the projects. Everything Southern is racist. Lady Antebellum are one of the most popular musical groups in the country but using the word antebellum (which just means “pre–Civil War”) will likely get your company shut down. We are currently digging up the bones of anyone considered too antebellum. There’s also a motion to erase a gigantic statue called Stone Mountain, an act formerly considered a type of terrorism.

Abroad, things are much more confusing. We are at war with a nebulous enemy loosely defined as extremist Islam. They’re kind of like the Nazis in WWII and the moderate Muslims are kind of like Germans who didn’t support the Nazis. You may remember the internment camps we subjected German Americans to in the ’30s and ’40s. Today, we bend over backwards for Muslim Americans and if one of them brings a fake bomb to school, the president will tell him it’s “Cool.” Muslim kids wear NASA shirts now because NASA is no longer about the guys who sent you the signal. It’s about Muslim pride. I know, it’s weird.

Speaking of queer, gays are out of the closet. A few years ago, our current president and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were against gay marriage but today that will get you fired. The entire Catholic Church has been deemed immoral because they refuse to change the traditions they’ve been following for thousands of years and it’s against the law not to have homosexual weddings in your living room. It’s also racist if you don’t want to have sex with them.

However, if you force yourself to have sex with them, it might be rape. This crime is no longer restricted to the law. Like the medical community, the police are considered old-fashioned and the judicial process is now left to academics. A lot of things are rape nowadays. Farting is rape. Giving birth is rape. Drunk sex is rape. Looking like a rapist is rape. Sex you regret later is rape. Actually, I think all sex might be rape. It gets really complicated because sometimes hoaxes end up becoming real movements. By virtually every metric you can measure (including rape) men have it worse than women, but American sexism has never been a more pressing issue. In the non-Western world they mutilate girls’ genitals and stone them to death for being raped. Gays are thrown off buildings. Christians are crucified. There are about a dozen honor killings a day but the United Nations is focused on feminist bloggers who get insulted by white men online (a metric where men also get it worse).

To discuss any of this is a thought crime. America has all but abandoned the First Amendment. Saying the wrong thing, whether intended or not, will destroy a man’s vocation. At universities things are much worse. There is no need to punish students for violating speech codes because such a thing can’t happen. In today’s learning institutions, you may only debate censorship if you’re there to defend it. Opposing views are not allowed on campus at any Western universities.

I apologize if all this sounds confusing. That’s what happens when you erase thousands of years of tradition with nothing left to replace it. You are visiting us during an era of propaganda and sabotage as was predicted in the attached book, The Death of the West. They claim it’s about equality but the movement is so anti-truth, we don’t know if that’s true. Many assume these saboteurs are just jealous ingrates who want all the benefits of the system without any of the hard work but we cannot yet verify this. If you are getting this message much later than 2015, you are likely entering what used to be called the Third World but is now just the world. Judging by the countries that have successfully ousted the white male patriarchy, this is likely not a place you’ll want to visit. You’ll be tempted to use our people as a food source as we presently do with our inferior species. Please don’t. It’s unethical, and right and wrong used to mean something to us. If you are teaching your Martian children about our planet, please focus on pre-20th-century America.

Thank you and God bless,


NOTE TO NASA: Please keep updating this document as more things that are untrue become accepted as facts.